Limpsfield C.E. Infant School

Collective Worship


At Limpsfield C E Infant School we recognise that the daily act of Collective Worship is an affirmation and celebration of the Christian foundation, values, and ethos of the school.

Collective worship will be held daily so that we can all come together to worship God in a shared experience to which all can contribute and from which all can draw. Collective Worship has a high priority at Limpsfield C E Infant School. It is Biblically rooted and pupils are able to relate the core Christian Values to their own lives through Christian teachings. It has a strong focus on God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


Collective Worship is an essential part of the experience of our Christian community. It is  intended to give those connected with our community an opportunity to experience worship, participate in worship, and profess the Christian faith, whichever is most appropriate to each individual, so that each can contribute or benefit.


Our central aims of Collective Worship are to:

  • ensure it is inclusive, invitational and inspiring;
  • provide opportunities to unpack the school’s Christian vision;
  • promote and affirm Christian values;
  • sing, pray and give praise and thanksgiving to God;
  • reflect on the attributes of God and on the teachings of Jesus Christ;
  • listen to and learn from The Holy Bible;
  • celebrate special times in the liturgical Calendar;
  • share each other’s joys and challenges;
  • foster respect and unity;
  • deepen spiritual awareness and reflection;
  • experience services of The Eucharist, (depending on the tradition of the parish church).

Collective Worship Policy