Online Safety
The internet is an essential element of 21st century life for education, business and social interaction therefore at Limpsfield CE Infant School, we provide our children with quality internet access as part of their learning experience.
We believe that children should be taught how to become responsible and resilient users of the technology and be able to validate content. This we believe will prepare them for their future in an ever-growing technological world.
Children will be taught what is acceptable and what is unacceptable internet use and given clear guidance for internet use. They will be educated in the safe, effective use of the internet in research, including the skills of knowledge location, retrieval and evaluation. They will be given chances to publish and present information appropriately and safely to a wider audience through a variety of media including video, podcasts, google classroom etc.
We continuously teach e-safety throughout the year, with discreet lessons taught through the Autumn terms in all classes, in order to ensure children are safe and then remain up to date on how to stay safe on line. This is supported through cross-curricula links made with our whole school curriculum.
We also aim to support parents to improve their understanding of e-safety issues by holding parent workshops and drop and stay e-safety mornings where parents learn alongside and together with their children. Through lockdown, we provided parents with an online advice leaflet which provides guidance and additional information sites to support their children with the increase in internet use throughout this period.