Limpsfield C.E. Infant School



At Limpsfield, our intent is to encourage children to develop and embrace their own curiosity of the world that they live in. We aim to provoke and answer questions about the human and natural geography that the local and wider world has to explore. We see Geography as an investigative subject that allows children to develop an understanding of concepts, skills and knowledge through practical and physical learning. We want our children to leave KS1 with the ability to enhance their local awareness, understand geographical differences and similarities to a known area of their country and compare it with another. We also hope children will leave with the confidence to analyse sources effectively such as maps and globes.


Here at Limpsfield we are fortunate in our surroundings and the rich Geography that we have available on our doorstep. We ensure that through careful planning children are able to become geographers by immersing themselves in learning inside and outside the classroom to ensure that children who might learn in different ways can access the curriculum. Forest School is at the heart of the curriculum here at Limpsfield and we allow the children a chance to consolidate their learning through fortnightly sessions with an experienced Forest School lead. The Geography planning here at our school allows for progression of skills and consolidation. Some of the children’s favourite topics in our curriculum include ‘oceans and seas’, ‘rivers’ and ‘Local geography’.


Through explorative and investigative learning our children embrace their curiosity of the world. Children become more aware of the world around them and develop an understanding of others. We encourage the children to express well balanced opinions that are rooted in knowledge and understanding.