Limpsfield C.E. Infant School



We want our children to inquisitive about the past, present and future. We want them to make links between different historical events and people and gain a greater understanding of how these shape our future.


In History, we delve into the past to explore and understand the life and experiences of people and events that have happed. Our history curriculum is coherently planned and sequenced to allow children to look into events from recent and more distant past, understand how this is different to the present and look into the future.

Our local area of Limpsfield maximises the children’s understanding of local history and is a fantastic opportunity to be introduced to the key skills that they need to know, for example the children will visit the air raid shelters on the common when learning about war time. With the strong belief that knowledge builds on knowledge, each topic will consolidate previous learning and children will be able to develop their skills of using primary and secondary sources to help them answer questions, develop a strong sense of chronology and enquiry and allowing children a chance to recall their long term memory.

Some of our most popular topics that we learn here at Limpsfield are ‘Walter Tull’, ‘Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole’ and ‘The Great Fire of London’. We also make history learning relevant by allowing children to make connection with key dates and celebrations such as Remembrance Day and Guy Fawkes.


We expect our children to gain a strong sense of chronology. They will have a clear awareness and understanding of the past and present. The children are able to make links with historical events, draw on comparisons of their own lives and to those of others.