Limpsfield C.E. Infant School



Through our music curriculum we aim to ensure that all children develop a passion for music and to be creative musicians.  We enable children to be exposed to and enjoy a range of musicians and genres including the works of the great composers and musicians

We wish them to experience the sounds of different instruments through demonstrations and real life experiences where possible. We want to inspire our children to be creative by exposing them to high quality teaching. We give our children the ability to learn about the different dimensions and develop skills to and plan, practice, perform and evaluate their own and others work. At Limpsfield, we want the children to develop the skills to be confident communicators, where they share ideas, plan independently and collaboratively, begin to understand notation, practice and feel confident performing and sharing their work and skills with others to develop a love of learning in Music. At Limpsfield, there is a clear learning journey across year groups that ensures there is progression in skills and knowledge over the time a child is with us.


At Limpsfield Infant School, we deliver the music curriculum through both class music lessons and a weekly whole school singing collective worship. Children in our Early Years sing every day, whether that be nursery rhymes, maths songs or songs created to support their English learning. Music lessons focus on listening to high quality stimuli to explore the different dimensions and skills of music and develop them using singing and instruments, with opportunities to apply the knowledge through composition and performance.

The Children at Limpsfield participate in school performances such as Easter service, Harvest assembly, a whole school Christmas production, Easter assembly and an end of year service by Year 2, which are all hugely valuable in building a sense of achievement.  We also provide opportunities for the children to experience live music by inviting performers into school e.g. African music, Piano concerts and Year 2 participate in a Big Sing concert in a theatre with other infant schools.

At Limpsfield, music is strongly linked with other curriculum areas such as PE, Art and Science. Planning follows a curriculum map that specify the skills progression throughout the school. Year group planning builds on previous knowledge and skills to ensure each child progresses during their time with us from their various starting points. Year group planning is allowing children to gain knowledge, master skills, plan, prepare and perform.

Children play a variety of tuned and un-tuned percussion instruments in lessons. Year 2 children all learn to play the recorder as part of their music curriculum.  In addition to the school curriculum, children have the opportunity to play in a rock band via the extra –curriculum  Rock Steady sessions.


What do we want to see from our children?

At Limpsfield Infant School we can judge the success of our music curriculum in the following ways:

  • Develop a love of music in various forms, the desire to listen to, perform and inspire curiosity in different genres and instruments seen through increased levels of participation.
  • Pupil conferencing shows children happy, engaged, creative, enthusiastic and motivated to do well and challenged.
  • Learning walks by subject leaders, senior leadership team, governors or external visitors – shows evidence of our intent in action and progress.
  • Evidence of learning is shown with photographs, video and recordings alongside planning and end of unit assessments.
  • Compositions and musical appreciation showcase the skills and knowledge experienced and taught. Children’s comments captured.
  • Appreciation of how music can contribute to mood, relaxation, mental health and wellbeing.
  • High quality performances are shared with fellow pupils, parents and visitors.

We strive to ensure that our children‘s attainment is in line with or exceeds their potential when we consider the varied starting points of all of our children.