Limpsfield School Association (LSA)
What is the LSA?
The Limpsfield School Association is the community of parents and carers that voluntarily organise a series of events and ventures that help raise funds to enhance the school with exciting enrichment opportunities and facilities, as well as providing fun for the parents and children!
There is a central committee that oversees the LSA but all parents automatically become part of the LSA when their children join the school.
The LSA helps support the school by running the Second Hand Uniform sales, providing a parent Taskforce to help maintain our school, playground and co ordinating the Walking Bus, which ensures your children walk into school safely without you having to park and leave your car.
Other examples of our fundraisers include sponsored events, parent socials, cake sales, hamper raffles, Christmas and Summer fairs, themed trails and newsletter advertising.
How can you help?
Offering your help can be anything from baking a cake, to making costumes, manning a bar, to helping at a children’s disco! Please speak to your Class Reps about ways you can get involved and support the LSA as an active member. It also gives you the opportunity to meet parents and carers throughout the school and have some fun together.
We invite all parents to our LSA AGM in September. Please do come along!
How are the funds spent?
The money raised is used to help fund various projects, including reading areas, funding school trips to enhance children's learning, providing Christmas and Easter gifts for the children, cooking supplies and yearbooks.
Two major projects have been to fund a new STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) room in school and, in addition to receiving funds from The National Lottery, the LSA helped fund the much loved Trim Trail on the Common for the children to enjoy.
To contact the LSA, please e-mail