Limpsfield C.E. Infant School

Home Learning

We believe that successful partnerships between parents, carers, school, church and community help each pupil to take full advantage of all the school has to offer. The following agreement supports this partnership in the interests of our children, whilst nurturing the development of the whole child and promoting self-esteem.

Children aged four to seven learn best from first-hand experience.  As a school we are in agreement that the children’s learning must be practical before they can move to the abstract.  Most home learning activities are based on learning through play, talk for learning, games and exploring real-life situations.


Home learning at Limpsfield School


Read with your child for at least 10 minutes a day and record it in his/her reading record. Research has shown that children who read at home with their parents/carers make more progress than those who do not.  Please be guided by your child’s teacher as to targets set and levels at which your child will be working. If your child is reluctant to read please inform the class teacher so that strategies can be put in place to enhance his/her enjoyment of reading. 

Home Learning Projects

Half termly home learning projects will be set for all year groups. The home learning projects will be planned by staff to compliment the learning that is taking place in school. The projects will then be brought into school and dedicated time will be put aside so that the children can share them with their class.

Additional homework may be given to specific individuals or groups of children throughout the year, to address particular needs. 

It is hoped that adults will work with the school to support targets, which have been set by the class teacher.  However, please remember that children have had a long day in school and will need some time to relax!